and Geological Consultancy Division of DGDC Ltd.is exclusively serving
the domestic and International diamond and other gemstone mining
industries. Our professional geologists, mining engineers, gemologists
and diamond specialist have continually and successfully demonstrated
their abilities to be exceptionally qualified mining consultants
in the areas of gemstone exploration and mining. DGDC Ltd. recognizes
that the nucleus of the consultancy is its people, their qualification
and their dedication. As a professional mining consultant, our core
people are full-time technical specialists with the capability of
solving your toughest technical problems.
DGDC Ltd. carry out trading of a large quantity of rough gemstones
and other minerals from around the world. Currently we are dealing
in -
- Diamond
- Precious stones
- Semi-precious stones
- Gold
- Copper
The Mining and Trading Division of DGDC Ltd., has its office
set up at CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, headed by General Manager
(Mining) and supported by a team of Geologist and Mining Engineers
with four fold strategy -
- Small-scale exploratory mining for diamonds
and gemstones in India and abroad with sole ownership basis.
- Consultancy business in the field of diamond
and gemstone for both Exploration and Mining.
- Medium and bigger scale exploration and
mining activities for diamond and gemstones as a joint venture
with other companies.
- Trading of rough diamonds and colored stones
in India and abroa
For International gemstone business, DGDC has an office at, Dar-Es-Salaam
- To be one of the leading organized importer
of rough precious, semi-precious stones to serve the Indian
jewellery industry.
- To service gemstone industry by exploring
new deposits and organize mining of diamond, precious and semi-precious
stones in India and abroad.
- Render consultancy services for exploration,
mining for different minerals in India and abroad.
- Exploration and mining of diamond and other
- Consultancy business in the field of diamond
and gemstone for both Exploration and Mining.
- Trading of rough diamond, precious and semi-precious
gemstones in India and abroad.
- Trading of gold and copper in India and abroad.
For further information
Head Office
Diamond & Gem Development
Corporation Limited
141,Atalanta, 14th Floor,
Nariman Point, Mumbai-4000210
Tel.: +91-22-66325512/13/14, 22851430
Fax: +91-22-22875467/(022) 22828422
E-mail: dgdc@vsnl.com
Mining Division
Diamond & Gem Development
Corporation Limited
Shree Nand Dham Complex,
212 ‘B’ Wing, Plot No.59,
Sector - 11, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
Tel.: +91-22-67955179 / 180
Fax: +91-22-67958307
E-Mail: dgdcbelapur@sursez.com
DGDC Tanzania Ltd
Diamond & Gem Development Corporation Tanzania Limited
Harbour View Towers,
P.O Box 1064, Dar-Es-Salaam
Contact Person
Mr. Ajay Sharma
Deputy CEO
Tel.: +255763056330 /+255712469669 |