Ltd is constantly looking at new business opportunities and new
investment avenues in various countries of Africa including South
Africa, Tanzania and Angola. Brazil and Venezuela in Latin America,
Russia, as well as Indonesia are also being explored for business
possibilities and investments in mining.
DGDC Tanzania Ltd has been incorporated in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania,
for the purpose of trading in diamonds and colored stones, copper
mining and trading, as well as for development of new Special
Economic Zones / Free Trade Zone in Tanzania. An office of DGDC
Tanzania Ltd has been set up in Dar Es Salaam. We also have an
associate office in Luanda, Angola.
The main products in the minerals sector is diamonds, colored
precious and semi precious stones, gold, and other mineral ores
of commercial interest in our fast growing economy which is hungry
for more and more mineral products;
Our presence in the non mineral sector includes engineering,
machinery, chemicals, specialized textile products, processed
foods, etc;
The International Trading Division is manned by seasoned professionals,
each specialized in his particular product stream. The Division
is based at our Corporate HQ in Mumbai’s Nariman Point Business